Biosecurity & Customs

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Biosecurity | Biosecurity Services in Melbourne, Brisbane

Biosecurity & Customs In Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Australia

With our fully licensed washbay and quarantine facilities catering to the mining, agricultural and commercial sectors, we can handle any and all your specific requirements, whether it’s vehicles, trucks, plant or equipment.

Our manned depot and 48-hour turnaround time on fumigations and bio security inspections, means Arrow can provide comprehensive biosecurity & customs services in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Australia, including washing, fumigation, inspection or even transport from wharf to our yard.


Our Areas of Responsibility.

Arrows Customs and Quarantine-approved premises provides all services on site:

    • Bonded Depots (77G)
    • Unpack AQIS Inspections (1.1,1.3)
    • Tailgate - Rural Destination (14.4)
    • Steam-cleaning (4.3)
    • Secure Unpack (4.7)
    • Fumigations (4.6)
    • Disinfection
    • Heat treatment
    • Goods destruction
    • Deep burial
Biosecurity | Biosecurity Melbourne | Biosecurity Services | Biosecurity Brisbane | Biosecurity Customs Australia

Through the use of our Arrow AOS system all stages of quarantine are visible. See image below.

Our strong working relationship with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry helps Arrow ensure smooth handling of all your quarantine and Biosecurity issues.



Frequently Asked Questions

A Class 14.4 approved arrangement authorizes the biosecurity industry participant, Arrow, to perform rural tailgate inspections to manage biosecurity risks associated with imported containers subject to biosecurity control.

48 hours from when the container arrives on-site.

Brisbane – Bishop Drive Q3094

Sydney  - Brunker Road N3495

Victoria – Toll Drive V2537

Brisbane – Bishop Drive GS29P

Sydney  - McCauley Road G085H

Victoria – Toll Drive GH53H